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Income School Blog

Cyber Monday Deal and Outrageous Opportunity

When I started my internet business just four years ago, I was completely clueless.  It was grueling and I wasted a ton of time headed in the wrong direction.

But I kept working at it, and now I run a website from the spare bedroom in my house that earned $505,813.50 for my family last year.  I’d like to help you write your own success story too.

I’ll keep this pitch simple.  I want to give to you the three things I wish I had when I was starting my business:

  1. A Mastermind Group.  I’m going to find a small group of 6 to 10 entrepreneurs just like you and place you in a mastermind group who you can get help from.  If you’re starting a podcast, there’s probably someone in there who has done it.  If you’re not sure how to kick off your Youtube channel, you can ask for help.  You’ll meet over Skype and email as your schedule allow and be accountable to each other.  I’ll personally be dropping in on the mastermind groups regularly to help out as well.  In addition to your individual mastermind group, you’ll be invited to a private forum if you need help and your mastermind group doesn’t have an answer.
  2. A Full Business Audit from Me.  After you purchase the Income School Mastermind, you’ll get an in-depth survey to find out about your business.  I’m going to read through every word you submit, scour through your website or the idea for a site you have, and provide a full in-depth breakdown of your business or business idea.  I’ll provide a critique on your SEO, give ideas for how you can best monetize your site, show you how you can build up your social media profiles, etc.  No, this isn’t some outsourced crap.  I’m looking through every single site and providing feedback personally.
  3. Internet Business Secrets Video Training.  Frankly, I don’t quite dare share all of my best internet business tricks here on the web for all to see.  I’ve had too many copycats trying to rip off my business to do that.  One of the main reasons I created the Income School Mastermind is that it’s a place where I can feel secure with who is in the group so I can give the goods.  For example, I’ll give you an in-depth look at precisely how I run my online class business that generates hundreds of thousands of dollars a year, and how I ran a launch for a digital product that earned $150,000 in a weekend.

Now, price.  As soon as this sale is over, the price will go WAY up to $1,349 and will stay there.  Frankly, each one of these three tools is worth that price.  But when I run a sale, I run a SALE!  For Cyber Monday and the 48 hours thereafter only, I’m offering these three tools in one single package for $149.  

I promise you you’ll kick yourself later on in the year when you hear me talking about the Income School Mastermind on the podcast and wish you’d gotten in when it was cheap.  There is no way I could offer this price on an on-going basis.

Hope you’re able to take advantage of this deal.  I know it can improve your business dramatically.

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Note: You may see “Improve Photography” branding on checkout.  The cart is run through my main business website, so don’t worry–it’s still Income School.If you have any questions, please feel free to email me at [email protected]

What happens after I purchase?

After you purchase, you’ll receive a short letter from me with clear directions of how to proceed.  You’ll get a short survey to fill out (within three days, please!) so you can give me a clear picture of where you are in your business.  That’s the information I’ll use to place you in a mastermind and a starting place for me to prepare the audit for you.  You’ll email in your survey and then you can sit back and relax.  I’ll take your information, go through your business or your business idea, and send you your audit and place you in your mastermind.  You’ll get a username and password to a private community and you’ll be ready to get going.

What if I haven’t yet launched my business?

No problem.  I’m sure there will be many who haven’t yet started.  These resources are especially helpful for you because you can start your business out on the right foot.

How much of a time commitment is this?

None at all, if that’s what you want.  If you don’t want to be put in a mastermind you can still take advantage of the rest of the deal and participate on the community forum if you wish.  I’ll ask you in your survey how often you’d like to meet with a mastermind and place you in a group that wants to meet as often or as rarely as you do.

What if I’m more experienced?  Is this just for beginners?

Read my about me page and get an idea for where I am in my business ($500,000 in yearly income).  If you’re way ahead of me then maybe this isn’t a good deal for you, but if you think you could learn something from my internet business that I’ve been running for the last four years, then welcome aboard!

Who will be in my mastermind group?

After I pour through your survey and get a good idea where you are in your business, I’ll place you in a group of people in a similar position.  But I’ll also be careful to provide a small mix of experience so you’ll have a better base of knowledge to help each other with.  For example, I might put someone in a group who has started a podcast if the others haven’t so he can help with podcasting, or someone in a group who has done e-commerce so she can help with those questions, etc.

This is a lot of money for me. Is this worth it?

I started my business when I was a flat broke college student, so I know how tough it can be to bootstrap it.  Frankly, I don’t think I would have had the foresight to invest $149 in my business in the beginning stages.  But now that I can look back, I see that a product like this could have put me at a HUGE competitive advantages over the other sites in my niche.

Don’t buy this deal if it’s going to put you or your family in a pinch, but if you want to really jumpstart your business and you’re serious about changing your family’s situation, then I can honestly say that something like this is truly invaluable.

I promise that I’ll take extremely good care of you after purchase to make sure you get your money’s worth.  But I realize that not everyone can invest in their business in the beginning stages, so if you can’t buy today–no problem.  We’re still friends.  I have tons of free information on this site for you as well.



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Ecuador Abroad

I’m in the program, and I love it. I’m ahead of schedule based on their results expectation page (I started late March 2018 and am getting increasing organic traffic). These guys know their stuff and want you to succeed.

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Ok I’ve joined this week and this course is incredible. You can’t succeed without this and especially the community that comes with it. Is it worth $350? Yes without doubt. Believe me it certainly is

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I’m in the program. People are posting everyday about their first success, and some of those people are actually starting to hit their income goals. I’ve taken a lot of “authority and niche site” courses, and most are B.S. These guys have a real step by step program that works, ...

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I am very pleased with the product. It keeps me on track so that I don’t get distracted. I personally feel like they “hold your hand” the perfect amount to get you where you need to go, but let you grow a little on your own with some minor “struggles” ...

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