We offer private coaching sessions to those who want an expert set of eyes on their website. We hold Coaching Calls live over Zoom and can cover any aspect of your content that you’d like.
The purpose of a private coaching call is to get expert advice specifically tailored to YOUR business and how you can get the best results. While anyone can purchase a coaching call, most people get a lot more for their money by joining Project 24 and learning our website strategy from the ground up. Private coaching really only makes sense when you need consulting to tailor the general information to YOUR site and YOUR niche.
We take coaching calls seriously. We recognize it’s an expensive service, and that people only buy it if they really need help for their online business. We have personally purchased private coaching sessions with other well-known coaches and have been VERY disappointed in the experience, so we are 100% committed to guaranteeing that NEVER happens at Income School.
You can expect that we’ll be prompt, we’ll have done our research into your site BEFORE the call so we don’t waste any of your time, and we’ll have helpful and actionable information.
We don’t sugar-coat things on private coaching calls. If your site looks like it was made in 1995, we’re gonna say so. If you’re super awkward in your YouTube videos and that’s what we think is holding your marketing back, we’re gonna say so. We’d never be rude, but you’re paying for a premium service because you need to get results, and we’ll say what needs to be said to make sure you GET those results.
You’ll immediately get a form to fill out with details about
If you don’t have specific questions but just want us to provide an in-depth site review, that’s perfectly fine.
After you fill out the form (about 5 minutes) you’ll submit it so we can start preparing.
In the process of going through the form, you’ll also schedule a time for your call. We’ll prepare and follow up with you if we need additional information beforehand.
We’ll start the coaching session by asking any follow-up questions we had from the information you submitted, and then dive into your questions.
Many of our private coaching clients don’t have any specific problems they are dealing with, but just really want an expert’s look at their site to give feedback on the content, monetization, design, and all other aspects of the site. This is perfectly fine. If you just want an in-depth website review, a private coaching call is the perfect place to get that done.
For the tone of the call, we’ll follow your lead. If you’re a super serious professional and want to get down to brass tax, we get that and we’ll make the most of the time you paid for. If you’re new to consulting and a bit nervous, we’ll avoid overwhelming you. No matter what your preference, we’ll make sure you walk away with much more value than what you paid.
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