Video Description
In this live I took some questions from Project 24 members that they posted in our community, and I took live questions from the chat. Here's what we talked about.
00:00 - Welcome! What questions do you have for me?
00:16 - Battleshipping a post ranking 4-10
03:00 - Leveling up outsourced content
05:06 - Can you make a video about selling your website?
5:50 - How many words is too long for a post?
7:10 - Do you use any paid Keyword tools?
9:56 - What’s the best WordPress theme in 2021?
11:28 - Siloing, Topic Clusters, and Interlinking
13:30 - How to take a site from $4,000 to $40,000 per month
15:12 - What are your thoughts about changes to third party cookies and privacy?
16:52 - Should I move from WPX to Cloudways hosting?
19:00 - How many posts should you write on a micro-niche site?
20:40 - Should I get my site on Bing?
22:14 - How do I get my website reviewed?
23:14 - What are your thoughts on silo structure?
25:44 - How’s it going running Income School solo?
28:14 - How do you handle 404 errors for deleted image files?
30:40 - How does search analysis change as your site gets more established?
33:22 - How do you balance blogging to get more freedom later with living well today?
36:15 - Is my niche too broad or too competitive?
38:58 - Affiliate networks for physical products
41:22 - What do you think about Google’s privacy changes?
43:30 - Is it okay to have blog posts with no author?
45:40 - If I have two sites can I use the same “About Me” page?
47:34 - Does adding more articles always lead to more traffic?
50:40 - Should I flush my website and start a new one?
52:39 - What should I do about spammy looking backlinks?
54:07 - Ezoic rejected my site
57:20 - Is it okay to publish my content on Medium, LinkedIn or other platforms?
58:48 - How do you combine small topics to make longer blog posts?
1:01:16 - Should I start a new site or make my existing one bigger?
1:03:16 - Silo? Yes or No
1:03:48 - Should I update my sitemap in GSC after adding a new category?
1:04:22 - Tips for informational blogs
1:08:33 - Thank you!
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When you're ready to start your business to earn online income, check out Project 24, our membership program that teaches you how to work toward replacing your current income with income from websites and YouTube channels in about 24 months. Check it out here:
Also check out our stupid fast and crazy functional WordPress theme, Acabado.
Project 24 is a product of Income School LLC. Results mentioned are not typical. The trademark “Project 24” refers to the goal of some people to create a successful business in 24 months, but is not a promise or guarantee of that success. Many online businesses fail because, like any business, it requires hard work, skill, and dedication. Before making business decisions, consult financial and legal professionals licensed in your jurisdiction.