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Income School Live Q&A with Ricky

Published August 13, 2021

Video Description

0:00 - Will changing meta tags impact rankings? 0:32 - What drives you going forward? 2:05 - How much is a site worth that earns $100 per month? 3:01 - What’s your favorite blog post you ever wrote? 4:00 - What do you think of Yoast being sold? 5:30 - Should I pick back up on a site I abandoned, or start over? 6:35 - Would you advise starting a news site? 8:25 - Shout out to Carl 8:45 - How many blog posts to reach the hockey stick? 11:00 - Which bear is best? 11:15- Will paid traffic get you out of the sandbox early? 13:00 - How do you know if an article is a hit or a miss? 14:55 - What would you advise for a B to B website? 17:36 - Will you ever create a full over the shoulder of creating a project 24 site? 18:53 - Is it worth it to continue with a slow growing site if I like the niche? 20:25 - Is the Travel niche good for today? 21:40 - Thank you for your support 22:24 - Do you still think I shouldn’t build links? 22:42 - Is the traffic on my 6-month-old site good? 25:40 - How to build EAT when you can’t use your name? 27:29 - Can I join Ezoic with 1,200 pageviews? 30:05 - Should you be an affiliate for training products, or create your own? 32:01 - Ezoic says I have scraped content when I don’t. What should I do? 33:45 - How much does Ezoic pay per 1,000 pageviews? 35:50 - How do you put how-to content on a history blog? 36:50 - Is this live? 36:58 - Is Acabado sticking around? 38:10 - Will it hurt my SEO if I include words from other languages on my blog? 39:10 - If I start a blog and write a lot of content, could I make money in the first month? 40:30 - How to monetize a literature blog 42:12 - How do you make money with pageviews? 43:34 - Is starting a YMYL site a bad idea? 45:04 - When will more inventory open up on Content Warrior? 47:02 - When do you switch from low to high competition topics on a blog? 49:53 - What great alternatives are there too WordPress? 51:32 - Which is better, Yoast or Rankmath? 52:37 - What do you think about bilingual blogs? 54:58 - With my level of traffic, do you think I’m going in the right direction? 57:09 - Income School Tutorials 57:50 - Is buying an expired domain worth it? 59:14 - Is a low EPMV normal when you first place ads? 1:00:30 - Other Income School channels 1:01:18 - Is How to Draw a good niche? 1:02:36 - When are you going to start YouTube school? 1:04:08 - Can you remove Google fonts in Acabado? 1:04:40 - Recommended poll plugin for Acabado? 1:05:23 - More YouTube Lives to come Have you seen us on Instagram yet? Add us to see what we're doing behind the scenes: When you're ready to start your business to earn online income, check out Project 24, our membership program that teaches you how to work toward replacing your current income with income from websites and YouTube channels in about 24 months. Check it out here: Also check out our stupid fast and crazy functional Wordpress theme, Acabado. Project 24 is a product of Income School LLC. Results mentioned are not typical. The trademark “Project 24” refers to the goal of some people to create a successful business in 24 months, but is not a promise or guarantee of that success. Many online businesses fail because, like any business, it requires hard work, skill, and dedication. Before making business decisions, consult financial and legal professionals licensed in your jurisdiction.

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