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Search engine optimization should be about the user, not the search engine.

Popular SEO tactics will tell you to try and beat the system with link-building and keywords. We keep it simple by just creating the best possible experience for the page visitor.  

If user-driven SEO sounds like your cup of tea, subscribe to our SEO Newsletter. We’ll keep you updated on what Google is up to and how to keep your websites on top of the game.

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Income School's SEO Newsletter

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Free Guide to Get You Started: Our SEO Mythbusting Cheatsheet


Your first email that you’ll receive automatically when you sign up will contain our SEO Mythbusting Cheatsheet. We’ve boiled it down to 4 common myths that are dragging down millions of websites. Don’t let yours be one of them! This PDF that we will attach contains what sets us apart from the other “SEO gurus.” Don’t get caught up in the hype. Let us help you make a site that offers real value to the user.

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