Sports & Outdoors

IMPORTANT: This page contains affiliate links. All programs listed below and their ratings have been provided by other Project 24 members and have not been individually assessed by Income School. The information below is short description of each service. Please visit the affiliate site for the most up-to-date affiliate information.

Income School is not responsible in any way for your experience should you choose to sign up for any of the listed programs. In some cases we may earn a commission for referring traffic to these sites.


AvantLink logo displaying the company name in uppercase letters, with blue and black geometric shapes on the left side.
Partner with brands that understand the importance of performance marketing. Only established advertisers with quality product offerings that are dedicated to building productive affiliate partnerships are selected to the AvantLink network.

Average P24 Rating

Image of a star rating with four and a half stars filled in gold.
REI and BackCountry both use this program so it is perfect for outdoor recreation related blogs and it also has an awesome WP plugin for added link support.

I am not with Avantlink, I just want to share feedback…I have a boating site getting 30k unique visitors a month, and the site is 2+years old with helpful deep value articles; yet Avantlink told me my application was declined. “We typically only accept websites which rank well with third party traffic ranking websites (e.g.,, Moz,…) You are welcome to apply again once you have had a chance to establish traffic by frequently adding unique content, garnering backlinks from other established websites in your niche and increasing any social presence associated with your website. This will give you a much better start if accepted!” So just sharing this feedback/bad experience. I was approved for ShareASale very easily so I will likely just use that.

Boat Buyer’s Secret Weapon

Capt. Matt is dedicated to helping boat buyers avoid the frustration, confusion and fear that first-buyers often experience so they can buy the right boat at the best price with 100% confidence.

*P24 Member Owned*

Average P24 Rating

A row of five yellow stars in a horizontal line on a light brown background, indicating a five-star rating.
As of 11/2021, this program is being enhanced to boost conversion even more.

Botanical Interests

Botanical Interests logo featuring the brand name in elegant, cursive font with the registered trademark symbol.
High-Quality Seeds and Garden Products
Affiliates with garden-related websites can also request access to our datafeed, which allows you to create a virtual Botanical Interests seed display on your website.

Offered through Share-A-Sale

Average P24 Rating

Image of four and a half gold stars in a row.


Breck's logo with a windmill icon and the text "Direct to you from Holland since 1818.
Direct to you from Holland since 1818
Breck’s is proud to be the largest U.S. importer of Dutch flower bulbs. Thousands of gardeners trust Breck’s each season to deliver the biggest, best bulbs from the fertile fields of Holland right to their doors.

Average P24 Rating

Image of four and a half gold stars in a row.
Live Plants, Flowers, Garden Tools – Program is administered through RewardStyle ( – not advertised on the Brecks site (just available once you are accepted into RewardStyle)


Cabela's logo in yellow cursive text with a black outline, registered trademark symbol at the end.
Inspiring everyone to enjoy, love and conserve the great outdoors.
Join the Cabela’s Outdoors Online Affiliate Program and promote thousands of products to help your visitors have fun in the great outdoors. It’s a quick way to add e-commerce to your site and earn money at the same time.

Offered through Impact
5-15%. Cookie duration is 14 days.

Average P24 Rating

Image of a star rating with four and a half stars filled in gold.

Competitive Cyclist

Logo of Competitive Cyclist with a red square containing three black, white, and gray circles to the left of the text.
A Better Bike Shop Experience
The average order value for Competitive Cyclist is over $250. Our 30-day cookie gives you an entire month after the click to receive credit for sales.

Join through Impact Radius or AvantLink

Average P24 Rating

Image of four and a half gold stars in a row.

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