Business & Finance Affiliates

IMPORTANT: This page contains affiliate links. All programs listed below and their ratings have been provided by other Project 24 members and have not been individually assessed by Income School. The information below is short description of each service. Please visit the affiliate site for the most up-to-date affiliate information.

Income School is not responsible in any way for your experience should you choose to sign up for any of the listed programs. In some cases we may earn a commission for referring traffic to these sites.


Because Booking a Time Shouldn’t Be So Difficult
We think scheduling should be simple and seamless, for both you and your customers.
20% lifetime commission.

Average P24 Rating


Discover the easiest way to automate scheduling and grow your business
Give your customers the flexibility to book online 24×7 with our appointment scheduling software. …Commissions will be provided on both monthly and yearly subscriptions of your referrals.
Between 20% to 50% depending upon the number of referrals for the entire billing life cycle of the referrals.

Average P24 Rating

Boss Club

Teach the Magic of Entrepreneurship
Boss Club is an entrepreneurial kit for kids and teenagers that has everything needed to start a real business. Included in each box are the raw materials for the business, packaging, marketing materials, and a full curriculum that takes the little CEO from opening the box to generating real sales in the span of a weekend. Boxes are currently priced at $40 and affiliate commissions are paid as a percentage of the cart total.

Average P24 Rating

“Currently have 3 entrepreneur business kits focused on 7-14 year olds, like homemade dog treats, bath bombs, and cake pops. Launching two additional kits at the end of July. 20% rev share.”


Binary Options Trading Signals
Bots is Community Strategy Development Room for Forex, Nadex Options, & more. The whole point of this service is to try and connect like minded individuals together to form a collective of ideas to try and help everyone improve. Anyone who has traded for nearly any period of time knows trading is HARD, VERY HARD. It takes time to develop strategies and try and learn how to control risk. We try and help by offering a community in which members can share their experiences and what they are working on to decrease the time to learn these valuable lessons.

Offered through ClickBank.
50% recurring

Average P24 Rating


Direct Ownership of Gold & Silver was founded in 2011 by Fabrice Drouin Ristori, French entrepreneur and investor, and graduate of the Kedge Business School (2004)….Ristori identified gold as a safe investment that would guarantee the stability of the purchasing power of his savings over the long term.

We also provide education to the public about the current monetary/financial system, on why diversification is paramount, and on how precious metals should play an important role in safeguarding your wealth in today’s changing world.
Starts at 20% per purchase transaction, 10% for storage One year tracking cookie.

Average P24 Rating

IQ Option

IQ Option is one of the fastest growing online trading brands in the world. Voted the best mobile trading platform, we have now expanded our offerings to include CFDs on stocks and ETFs and Forex trading.

We offer our affiliates up to 50% of the broker’s revenue from all their traders, for as long as they are active on our platform.
Up to 50%

Average P24 Rating

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