Income School logo featuring the word "INCOME" in white capital letters, with a blue upward arrow forming the letter "O," above the word "SCHOOL" in smaller white capital letters against a gray background.

Acabado Changelog

Version 1.4.0

  • Added social sharing buttons for Reddit, WhatsApp, and Instagram.
  • Update to Pinterest sharing.
  • Updated social sharing button styles.
  • Disabled Acabado meta title, description and sitemap when other SEO plugins are active – includes All in One SEO Pack, Squirrly SEO, The SEO Framework, Rank Math, SEO Press, and Yoast SEO.
  • Added default “Related Post” image that displays if a post does not have a featured image.
  • Added the option to show published and/or updated date on posts.
  • Fixed option to specify a custom page for authors.

Version 1.3.2

  • Fixed bug in mobile menu close button.
  • Fixed bug in notifications fetcher.
  • Added option to use SEOPress XML sitemap or Acabado’s own.
  • Added HTML sitemap in addition to default XML sitemap. HTML sitemap can be found at [your_domain].com/sitemap
  • Added 4-column widget option for footer with default content.
  • Changed name of full-width template to full-content-width.
  • Added real full-width template (all the way to edges of screen) in addition to full-content-width.

Previous Versions

Complete Change Log history coming soon…

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